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Assignment 3: Convergent Design


The internet is full of so much information, but along with that information comes a tsunami of misinformation. RealTalk is a social media app meant for those who are tired of reading misinformation on the internet. By prioritizing the sharing of true information, we hope to reduce the spread of misinformation and making the internet a better place to learn. To do this, we give users the option of trusting or mistrusting posts and comments and apply a karma score to users depending on how trustworthy they are. When choosing which posts we show to users, we consider both the trust score of the post and the karma of the original poster.

Functional Design



User State Machine

concept User

purpose authenticate a partipicant of RealTalk


registered: set User
username, password: registered -> one String


register(n, p: String, out u: User)

u not in registered
registered += u
u.username := n
u.passowrd := p

authenticate(n, p: String, out u: User)

u in registered
u.username = n and u.password = p

operational principle

after a user registers with a username and password, they can authenticate with that same username and password
after register(n, p, u), u in registered, u.username = n, u.password = p; authenticate(n, p, u') results in u = u'


Session State Machine

concept Session [User]

purpose authenticate users for an extended period of time


active: set Session
curUser: active -> one User


start(u: User, out s: Session)

s not in active
active += s
s.curUser = u

end(s: Session)

s in active
active -= s

getUser(s: Session, out u: User)

s in active
u := s.curUser

operational principle

after a session starts until it ends, getUser returns the same user that started the session
after start(u, s) until end(s, u), getUser(s, u') results in u = u'


Friend State Machine

concept Friend [User]

purpose increase connections between others


friends: User -> set User


friend(u1, u2: User)

u1.friends += u2
u2.friends += u1

unfriend(u1, u2: User)

when u2 in u1.friends
u1.friends -= u2
when u1 in u2.friends
u2.friends -= u1

areFriends(u1, u2: User, out b: Boolean)

when u2 in u1.friends or u1 in u2.friends
b := True
b := False

operational principle

after a user friends another user, they are both considered each others friends until one of them unfriends the other
after friend(u1, u2) until unfriend(u1, u2), u2 in u1.friends, u1 in u2.friends, and areFriend(u1, u2, b) results in b = True


Post State Machine

concept Post [User, Content]

purpose share content with others


posts: User -> set Post
content: Post -> one Content
author: Post -> one User


post(u: User, c: Content, out p: Post)

p.content := c := u
u.posts += p

unpost(u: User, p: Post)

when p in u.posts u.posts -= p
forget content of p
forget author of p

operational principle

after post(u, p, c) until unpost(u, p), p in u.posts, u =, and c = p.content


Comment State Machine

concept Comment [Target, User, Content]

purpose react to other content


comments: Target -> set Content
author: Content -> one User


comment(t: Target, u: User, c: Content)

t.comments += c
store u as author c is from

uncomment(t: Target, u: User, c: Content)

when the author of c is u
t.comments -= c
forget author of c

operational principle

after comment(t, u, c) until uncomment(u, c), c in t.comments and u is author of c


Like State Machine

concept Like [Target, User]

purpose show approval or disapproval of information


likes, dislikes: Target -> set User


like(t: Target, u: User)

t.likes += u

dislike(t: Target, u: User)

t.dislikes += u

neutralize(t: Target, u: User)

when u in t.likes
t.likes -= u
when u in t.dislikes
t.dislikes -= u

operational principle

after like(t, u) until dislike(t, u) or neutralize(t, u), u in t.likes
after dislike(t, u) until like(t, u) or neutralize(t, u), u in t.dislikes


Trust State Machine

concept Trust [Target, User]

purpose show agreement or disagreement with the truthfulness of information


trusts, mistrusts: Target -> set User


trust(t: Target, u: User)

t.trusts += u

mistrust(t: Target, u: User)

t.mistrusts += u

neutralize(t: Target, u: User)

when u in t.trusts
t.trusts -= u
when u in t.mistrusts
t.mistrusts -= u

operational principle

after trust(t, u) until mistrust(t, u) or neutralize(t, u), u in t.trusts
after mistrust(t, u) until trust(t, u) or neutralize(t, u), u in t.mistrusts


Karma State Machine

concept Karma [User]

purpose show how truthful a user is


karma: User -> one Integer


increase(u: User)

when u in karma
u.karma := u.karma + 1
when u not in karma
u.karma := 1

decrease(u: User)

when u in karma
u.karma := u.karma - 1
when u not in karma
u.karma := -1

operational principle

after increase(u) until decrease(u), u.karma is 1 more than before
after decrease(u) until increase(u), u.karma is 1 less than before



UserSession Sync State Machine

concept UserSession

include User
include Session [User.User]

sync register(username, password: String, out user: User)

User.register(username, password, user)

sync login(username, password: String, out user: User, out s: Session)

when User.authenticate(username, password, user)
Session.start(user, s)

sync authenticate(s: Session, u: User)

Session.getUser(s, u)

sync logout(s: Session)



UserReact Sync State Machine

concept UserReact

include User
include Target
include Like [Target.Target, User.User]
include Trust [Target.Target, User.User]
include Karma [User.User]

sync like(u: User, t: Target)

Like.neutralize(t, u), u)

sync dislike(u: User, t: Target)

Like.neutralize(t, u)
Like.dislike(t, u)

sync neutralLike(u: User, t: Target)

Like.neutralize(t, u)

sync trust(u1, u2: User, t: Target)

Trust.neutralize(t, u1), u1)

sync mistrust(u1, u2: User, t: Target)

Trust.neutralize(t, u1)
Trust.mistrust(t, u1)

sync neutralTrust(u1, u2: User, t: Target)

Trust.neutralize(t, u1)
when u1 is removed from Trust.trusts
when u1 is removed from Trust.mistrusts


UserComment Sync State Machine

concept UserReact

include User
include Target
include Content
include Comment [Target.Target, User.User, Content.Content]

sync comment(u: User, t: Target, c: Content)

Comment.comment(t, u, c)

sync uncomment(u: User, t: Target, c: Content)

Comment.uncomment(t, u, c)


UserProfile Sync State Machine

concept UserProfile
include User
include Content
include Post [User.User, Content.Content]
include Friend [User.User]

sync friend(u1, u2: User)

Friend.friend(u1, u2)

sync unfriend(u1, u2: User)

Friend.unfriend(u1, u2)

sync areFriends(u1, u2: User, out b: Boolean)

Friend.areFriends(u1, u2, b)

sync makePost(u: User, c: Content, out p: Post), c, p)

sync deletePost(u: User, p: Post)

Post.unpost(u, p)

Dependency Diagram

Solid outline shapes are specific concepts. Dashed outline shapes are generic concepts.

Dependency diagram


RealTalk homepage

Design Tradeoffs

  1. a. Like System
    b. Likes vs. likes and dislikes
    c. A system with only likes can only really gauge the positive reactions to a post or comment, not the negative ones. We can approximate the dislikes by subtracting the likes from the views and multiplying by some constant, but any constant that we use would give terrible results for some kinds of posts or comments. With dislikes, the algorithm can accurately gauge the relative strength of negative feelings towards a post or comment.
  2. a. Post Creation Options
    b. Only registered users can create posts vs anonymous users can create posts
    c. The main design of RealTalk is to push true information and to reduce misinformation. If anonymous users could make posts, they would be able to post large amounts of misinformation without their account getting flagged or pushed down in the algorithm, as they have no account.
  3. a. Where Likes/Dislikes and Trusts/Mistrusts Can Be Applied b. Only posts vs posts and comments c. To ensure that as much misinformation is removed as possible, comments should also be subject to the same community-based trust/mistrust system that posts have. If a comment is sufficiently deemed mistrustful, it can be hidden to further reduce misinformation.